evans data developer relations conference
i spoke at the Evans Data Developer Relations conference last week, which is an event focused on companies and folks who run or are looking to start developer networks. I met all kinds of great people from other developer programs - Intel, Adobe, RIM, Citrix. I particularly enjoyed Chad's session on Yahoo! Hack Day, and how they pulled off such a kick-ass developer event. (thanks for including my quote, Chad!) I wasn't able to make it the second day, but I heard Jeffrey's Approver.com session was also very good and entertaining. He has posted his slides from his session, too, if you want to see them.
Since many folks came up and asked for a copy of my preso "Architect your platform for developer participation", here it is. Like I said in my session, my topic was architected for participation as well, so go ahead and share your comments if you were not among the folks who came up to see me after my talk. Developer community is a fun place!
Labels: developer community, developers, evans data, session, speaking